Can't You Hear That?
Tone impaired, not quite deaf but impaired enough to make it hard to follow a tune. That has been my curse since very early on. I have always loved music! I dreamt of being a musician as far back as I can remember. Sadly, those dreams were shattered when I entered the 6 th grade at a new school. The school had a very good choir, directed by the 6 th grade science teacher, and my mother insisted I should join the choir. I remember the day of the audition, still to this day. The teacher took me into the classroom and sat me by the piano. She then proceeded to give me some tests, clap in this way, follow these notes, sing from a music sheet. After the test she took me back outside and told my mom that, she was sorry, but I was not choir material. My mom was devastated, she was the only person that thought I could sing, I had long before recognized that I had not inherited my father’s ear. I figured if I did not audition, I would not have to face the truth, but my mo...