Hard Work.

There is nothing as satisfying as creating, fixing or working on something with your own hands.

When my son bought his motorcycle I was a bit apprehensive about all the work required. I must say, though, that now when I look at it I feel a sense of pride at the amount of work and sweat we put into it.

It is a 31 year old bike so there are going to be problems along the way. We had to remove the carburetors twice already. We have adjusted them several times and now we need to change the spark plugs, once again.

A couple of days ago, the weather improved and he started her to take her out for a spin and the rear wheel locked up. When we were working on it we cleaned the wheel well and inspected the shoes. I knew they would need replacing but for the moment just put them back until the bike was ready to ride. When the wheel locked we had to remove it. The pads on the brake shoes had come off completely and so they had jammed together against the metal.

We replaced the shoes on the rear and the pads on the front, just to be on the safe side. Now the bike is, not only, running like it should but stopping when you need it to.

Running motorcycle, check. Driving permit, check. All we need now is insurance, tag and good riding weather to go out and show her off.

Now, to work on mine...


  1. My brother,I remember how anal Joseito was when we built Legos! If there's anything I've learned from you, (other than good cookin') is patience. You guys carried this project from begining to close to end. I say that because knowing you two, the freaking bike will never be finished! But in the meantime, show her off! In my book she's a work of art, specially because Loli allowed it! LOL

  2. Hey brother, just realized I never answered your comment. I am restarting this one and I would love it if you continued to follow and comment on it. I also started another a bit more formal, check it out https://thepartialimpartial.blogspot.com/ Love to get your imput.Thanks


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